
Know about Pushlink changes

PushLinkAndroid-5.6.0.jar 2024.07.22

  • Now it works on Android 12, 13, and 14 [Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 34]. It requires new permission <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" /> in AndroidManifest.xml

  • The NINJA strategy was removed

  • Pushlink.hasPengingUpdate with wrong spelling was removed.

PushLinkAndroid-5.5.3.jar 2018.05.19

  • Now it works on Android 8 (Oreo) [Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 26]. It requires new permission <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES" /> in AndroidManifest.xml

PushLinkAndroid-5.5.2.jar 2016.11.11

  • Now it works on Android 7 (Nougat) [Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 24]. It requires <provider android:name="" android:authorities="" android:exported="true" /> in AndroidManifest.xml

  • Now pushlink cleanup old downloaded apks.

  • The new CUSTOM strategy is available. (NINJA is deprecated)

PushLinkAndroid-5.5.0.jar 2016.04.18

  • Fixed ninja NPE when using broadcast receiver

PushLinkAndroid-5.4.5.jar 2016.03.13

  • Ninja fallback. (If the broadcast receiver is not present, it uses the classic ninja.)

  • Commons network exceptions are now in debug level in logcat

PushLinkAndroid-5.4.4.jar 2016.03.01

  • Ninja now works in Android 5 or higher. Its requires the <receiver android:name="" /> in AndroidManifest.xml

    • Wrong judgment. Ninja does not work in Android 5.

  • Ninja.setExtraShellCommand() deprecated in favor of Pushlink.setBeforeNinjaTaskShellCommand()

  • Available from Maven and Gradle by jitpack

PushLinkAndroid-5.4.2.jar 2015.12.03

  • Bugfix: Pushlink.hasPendingUpdate() does not ignore the idle status anymore (Pushlink.idle method)

PushLinkAndroid-5.4.1.jar 2015.11.25

  • Now Ninja is working in Android 64 bits

  • Ninja does not execute the export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/system/lib command anymore

  • New method Ninja.setExtraShellCommand() for custom workarounds

  • Now Pushlink logs the entire stack trace. (No more clipping)

PushLinkAndroid-5.4.0.jar 2015.09.30

  • Fixed critical bug when using android:process

  • New api method Pushlink.setMaxExceptionQueueSize() (to avoid huge cache)

PushLinkAndroid-5.3.0.jar 2015.04.02

  • Download resume. (Very welcome!)

  • Bugfix that would send old exception assigned with wrong version label.

  • Bugfix that in Pushlink.addMetadata() and Pushlink.addExceptionMetadata() when key == null. Not allowed anymore.

  • Now it prevents sending the very same exception twice or more.

  • Less data transfer when using the metadata api.

  • Now Pushlink.setCurrentActivity() and Pushlink.setCurrentStrategy() are independent of the start method.

  • Some timeout adjustments

PushLinkAndroid-5.1.0.jar 2013.12.14

  • NINJA strategy improved. Now working on a large variety of devices.

  • Now PushLink uses only the 443 port. Goodbye 6670 port.

PushLinkAndroid-5.0.4.jar 2013.11.12

  • Download method improved to avoid memory overflow.

  • Popup strategies no more play notification sound.

  • Now popup strategies ask for launching the app even in ICS or later.

PushLinkAndroid-5.0.3.jar 2013.07.31

  • Now it sends the last 200 lines of logcat. (no more 100)

  • From now on exceptions have a handled/unhandled label

  • New method PushLink.addExceptionMetadata(). This metadata is going to appear ONLY in the "Exceptions" tab of the web administration

PushLinkAndroid-5.0.2.jar 2013.06.17

  • Important bug fix. PushLink.addMetadata wasn't working fine.

  • TCP client improvement. It was aborting connections sometimes.

  • Installation checking for duplicated ID's improved.

  • Method name changed! PushLink.setCurrentPopUpTarget() is now PushLink.setCurrentActivity().

  • Now PushLink grabs screenshots for unhandled exceptions.

PushLinkAndroid-5.0.1.jar 2013.02.21

  • Logging improvements

  • Bugfix. Calling PushLink.setCurrentStrategy() before PushLink.start() had no effect.

PushLinkAndroid-5.0.0.jar 2013.02.06

  • Package change. Now all classes are under ""

  • Critical bug fix. The heartbeat was not working when the devices were sleeping.

  • The Device ID is back. Now the user MUST set the device id. Now the web administration shows off-line installations again.

  • Api change to support device ID: Now PushLink.start() has a brand new fourth parameter. The device ID.

  • Method name changed from PushLink.sendAsyncNotification() to PushLink.sendAsyncException().

  • Pushlink now has two lightweight threads. They were named "PushLink-PushListener" and "PushLink-Heartbeat".

PushLinkAndroid-4.2.1.jar 2012.12.25

  • Huge logging improvements

PushLinkAndroid-4.2.0.jar 2012.12.17

  • Critical bug fix. Low socket/connection timeout was killing some APK downloads.

  • Now, exceptions are always sent lazily with a delivery guarantee. PushLink holds the exception (sqlite persistence) until it can be sent to the server. PushLink.sendSyncException() was removed.

  • New method PushLink.hasPengingUpdate(). This method checks if there is a downloaded but not applied update. It also notifies the user again.

  • Log messages improved

PushLinkAndroid-4.1.1.jar 2012.11.12

  • PushLink.sendExceptionNotification() has changed to PushLink.sendAsyncException() and PushLink.sendSyncException()

  • Fixed NPE when Pushlink.setCurrentPopUpTarget() called before PushLink.start()

  • When popup strategies were configured before PushLink.start, the popup title would appear "Application" instead of the real application name. Fixed!

  • Log messages improved

PushLinkAndroid-4.1.0.jar 2012.09.26

  • Lighter. HttpClient code improvement. Fewer data transferred between server and client.

PushLinkAndroid-4.0.0.jar 2012.09.14

  • Popups strategies now support screen rotation

  • It is ready to show online installations in the web administration

  • Fixed some minor bugs that could happen in push notification

  • PushLink.addGlobalInfo() has changed to PushLink.addMetadata()

PushLinkAndroid-3.1.3.jar 2012.07.27

  • Fixed an NPE that would appear in some cases

  • Fixed some confusing log information

PushLinkAndroid-3.1.2.jar 2012.06.06

  • API method PushLink.idle(boolean) added. Especially useful for NINJA strategy to update your app only when it is idle. See the usage in JAVADOC.

  • Now it sends device coordinates if the GPS is enabled. This is sent only once when the app is started.

PushLinkAndroid-3.1.1.jar 2012.05.04

  • Bug fixed. It could happen to receive several notifications to the same version in some specific situations.

PushLinkAndroid-3.1.0.jar 2012.04.23

  • NINJA strategy has been created. Only for rooted devices. BETA!

  • Logging improvements.

PushLinkAndroid-3.0.0.jar 2012.04.20

  • Full redesign to support premium features.

  • PushLink.checkForUpdates() in no longer available. There is no sense in using the new push architecture.

  • PushLink.start() method has changed. Now it has only three parameters

  • Notification now play standard device sound

  • Automatic exception catch/send a notification is the default.

  • Added two methods. PushLink.disableExceptionNotification() and PushLink.enableExceptionNotification

PushLinkAndroid-2.0.4.jar 2012.03.07

  • Push.addUserInfoForExceptionNotification() is now Push.addGlobalInfo. This information is going to appear in all exception notifications sent.

  • Push.sendExceptionNotification(Throable) was overloaded with Push.sendExceptionNotification(Throwable, Map). Now it's possible to send more information about the exception context in Map.

  • Professional JAVADOC added

PushLinkAndroid-2.0.3.jar 2012.03.04

  • Push.requestUpdateRightNow is now Push.checkForUpdates

  • Now Push.checkForUpdates() does not block the thread anymore.

  • Push.checkForUpdates bug fix. It was rushing the download but not the notification.

PushLinkAndroid-2.0.2.jar 2012.02.20

  • Now if exceptionNotification is set to false and you call PushLink.sendExceptionNotification() it will not throw an exception anymore. It only will log: "You must start pushlink enabling exception notification before using PushLink.sendExceptionNotification or PushLink.addUserInfoForExceptionNotification. Check PushLink.start method exceptionNotification parameter."

PushLinkAndroid-2.0.1.jar 2012.02.01

  • Exception notification now sends LogCat (Need READ_LOGS permission)

  • Exception notification now sends the whole stack trace

  • Fixed some exception notification bugs

PushLinkAndroid-2.0.0.jar 2012.01.20

  • API Redesigned. All of PushLink's methods are static.

  • There is no method Pushlink.stop() anymore.

  • Now we have exception notification! Receive emails when your app crashes.

  • New API method Pushlink.requestUpdateRightNow() to rush version check.

PushLinkAndroid-1.1.3.jar 2011.12.01

  • Now popups strategies work nicely with PushLink.setCurrentPopUpTarget()

PushLinkAndroid-1.1.2.jar 2011.11.22

  • Fixed java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: when runnig on ADT emulator

PushLinkAndroid-1.1.1.jar 2011.11.17

  • Pop Up strategy support

  • i18n support

PushLinkAndroid-1.1.0.jar 2011.11.03

  • SSL Support

  • Internal storage bug fix

PushLinkAndroid-1.0.0.jar 2011.10.28

  • Beta test

Last updated